Not as many birds in the yard as last year, wonder why! In the meantime, here are some not-so-great birdie photos!
A skulking Hermit Thrush
A male House Finch, check out the grey eyebrow - best way to tell them from Purple Finches!
That's an old school push-mower. He's checking it out, I don't think he approves!
A Harris's Sparrow
A Common Grackle. Most people complain about these birds at their feeders, but I've never had more than one at a time, and they don't visit too often.
A Chipping Sparrow, these guys are so neat...
A White-Crowned Sparrow, he checked out the bath, and had a little drink, but was too suspicious to actually get in there!
At the opposite end of the spectrum is this Lincoln's Sparrow, who had a grand time! More than half of my pics of this li'l guy showed him with his beak open, wonder why they do that while bathing!
And just for good measure, a Redhead, sitting on a nest?? Standing on a muskrat lodge? Or a beaver house? Got me!